Cloud Solutions - Easing your Transformation to Cloud
The specialist knowledge that ZIME holds, allows us to offer extensive, professional guidance on areas that can help your business become more dynamic. Whether reducing cost, managing risk or improving service is uppermost on your agenda, we provide the right mix of solutions and expertise.
ZIME offer proactive support and consulting based on major cloud solution providers in the market. Today Businesses of all sizes face an increasingly competitive environment complicated by advances in big data, social media, and mobile technologies. You want to keep your business running smoothly and securely while benefiting from modern IT trends. By taking advantage of our deep expertise in cloud technologies, you will get the most from what the cloud has to offer.
For example, we can help you scale out quickly and affordably with pay-as-you-go cloud services of various cloud solution providers. Choose your own path, whether you want to transition entirely to the cloud, implement a mobility solution, or extend your existing IT investment by running apps and workloads on cloud.
Cloud adoption across an enterprise is a major undertaking. Let our team of experts help you launch your successful cloud initiative so you can quickly grow and stay competitive.