
Networking Solutions

The Networking solutions group is a streamlined part of our operation fueled by the limitless potential of cutting-edge technology and tempered by a realistic sense of what the network can bear. It brings with un-equaled expertise in network design, development and deployment to help the client's organization wield the power of networking safely, quickly and profitably. ZIME not only knows the technology inside-out, but more important, understands the unique challenges that networks face today.

Corporate network plays a crucial role in virtually every organization. The IT networking professionals who plan, implement and manage these complex and ever-changing networks are faced with the challenge of introducing new technologies and updating existing infrastructures, usually under severe time constraints and with limited resources.

We offer counsel in strategy, technology and systems management for a single source network deployment solution tailored to our client's precise needs. On taking a closer look at the various components of our end-to-end networking solutions services, one will come to realize that our ultimate task is to make our client's cision a reality. Often this begins by better defining that vision, clearly assessing and analyzing key development and networking issues within a client's business model before creating a solid blueprint that guides all facets of the project.

Our disciplined consulting provides clear thinking for operational modeling and analysis. This includes:

  • Formulating a development and networking strategy that effectively compliments the client's business plan and is consitent with their organization, operational processes, and IT Infrastructure.
  • Optimizing profitability across various development, deployment and management strategies.
  • Prioritizing current and future newtork initiatives within a benchmarked implementation plan.
  • Ensuring effective scalability and viability of the operational model over time and through growth.

We help customer formulate a network strategy which would include:

  • Enterprise-wide LAN Solutions
  • WAN Solutions
  • Campus-wide Wireless solutions
  • Wireless Management Solutions
  • Wireless Security